Friday, October 14, 2011

Elements of Thought

Drug Legalization

1. The purpose of this article is to not only defend the supporters of drug legalization but also to show us what other developments other countries are making around the world.

2. Some key problems are black market dynamics, mandatory sentencing, and individual freedom.

3. What I know is that the War on Drugs has been going on for way too long and is ineffective. We need to take other, less serious punishments for offenders if not just legalizing marijuana.

4. There was no conclusion to this article because it was giving us basic facts, from both sides, on the War on Drugs.

5. In the article, it states that in 2001, Portugal changed its drug laws by offering therapy to offenders rather than taking them to jail. The article also states that our prisons are notoriously overfilled with people charged with nonviolent crimes. I think that this would be the perfect solution for the United States. Because, if you look at the statistics that state that in five years, Portugal's rate of illegal drug use among teens dropped, as well as HIV being spread by sharing dirty needles, fell by 17%.

6. I assume that the United States will get its act together and figure out that they are doing more harm than good.

7. The consequences for having marijuana in Kentucky has dropped, somewhat. You can have up to a pound on you and be cited a ticket. However, of course the police are going to search your car and/or home. This leads to finding  paraphernalia, which is still a federal offense.

8. All around the world is becoming more accepting of marijuana. It's even being used to medical purposes, everywhere.

9. A gain from us legalizing marijuana would be the taxes put on marijuana. In marijuana alone, we could be so much closer to coming out of debt in our country. We would also decrease our prison population. One concern as a loss would be, "will the children see it as okay to do drugs?" 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Adam and Eve

Evangelicals Question the Existence of Adam and Eve

"Let's go back to the beginning — all the way to Adam and Eve, and to the question: Did they exist, and did all of humanity descend from that single pair?"